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R&S®CRTU Protocol Test Platform
Категория - Контрольно-измерительные решения
Официальный сайт Rohde & Schwarz (Германия) :
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Family of protocol testers for mobile radio standards and application enablerKey Facts
- Protocol analyzer and system simulator platform for (E)GPRS, GSM, HSDPA, HSUPA, WCDMA FDD, GAN and application Testing and more
- Approved GCF / PTCRB test platform for conformance, certification and compliance testing
- Creation of test scenarios for R&D using powerful and easy to use API as well as drag and drop interfaces
- Testing of application enablers such as MMS, video telephony, browsing
- Automation of test campaigns for cost effective unattended testing
Brief Description The R&S®CRTU family of protocol testers provides powerful and comprehensive functionality for the design and verification of protocol stacks. This family of testers covers an extensive range of applications and meets even the most exacting demands. The protocol testers R&S®CRTU-G/S and R&S®CRTU-W/M cover the entire range of GSM/(E)GPRS and WCDMA/HSPA protocol measurements required from the beginning to the end of a development project.
Features & Benefits
- Protocol Test from R&D to Certification Covers the entire range of GSM/(E)GPRS and WCDMA/HSPA protocol measurements required from the beginning to the end of your project:
- Providing examples for quick implementation of your own specific test senarios needed for early R&D testing
- Verified and validated test cases for compliance testing and pre-certification
- GCF and PTCRB approved test cases for conformance testing and certification
- Modular Concept The protocol testers of the R&S® CRTU family are based on a flexible modular concept that covers 2G and 3G (WCDMA, HSPA) test requirements. The R&S® CRTU is a future-proof investment, as the base units can be adapted to new test requirements.
- Scalability Built-in scalability, so that existing GSM/(E)GPRS test systems can be expanded to WCDMA/HSPA test systems and vice versa.
- Comprehensive Test Cases Supplies all certification related test cases and features at a very early stage:
- 2G and 3G test cases drafted by 3GPP from TS 51.010, 34.123 and 34.121
- Application Enabler test cases drafted by OMA and IMTC
- Full Automatic Test Sequences Flexible concept for the automatic execution of test sequences:
- define test sequences and run them automated
- remote control your device under test from the test case for completely unattended automated testing
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